Just a few hours before the gunman broke out his weapons in Orlando, my husband and I were at a small concert hall in suburban New Jersey, listening to the Feelies perform their fortieth anniversary show. For those of you who don't know the Feelies, they're an alternative/punk … [Read more...]
New Fiction in Timberline Review
After twenty years of writing short stories and novels only to tuck them away in computer files, I am thrilled to announce my very first fiction publication! My story, "The State of the Marriage," appears today in the Winter/Spring 2016 edition of The Timberline Review. “The … [Read more...]
Little Hubby on the Prairie: The Past’s Claim on Modern Manhood
Is Pa Ingalls a dangerous role model for boys and men? In my latest essay for The Good Men Project, I explore the impossible expectations that Little House on the Prairie places on men and men-to-be. … [Read more...]
Reading with David Bowie
I experienced David Bowie's death through Twitter, spending that morning poring over his widely-publicized 2013 list of 100 favorite books. I read reviews and plot summaries, searching for a title where our tastes might intersect. I settled on Nella Larsen’s Passing, a novel … [Read more...]
Call of the Wild: Out of the Library and into the Woods
My latest essay, “The Wolf Inside,” is up on Literary Mama today. Learn how a bunch of city boys in a book club take to the wild. In it, you will find a disinterested bear, a place called Doodletown, Michael Chabon, orange salamanders, inspiration for the New Year, and a whole … [Read more...]